Some Ideas . . . sorry many ideas
Firstly I wanted to say that I did sort of like this game. It was a bit slow especially at night but overall not bad, I like the idea for the final boss too.
Here are my ideas for improvements, not really in any order.
1. Correct the spelling mistake in the title. It should be hero's not heroes if you are going to use it again.
2. The number of Rubeesin the mailbox is wrong, it says 20 but you get 15.
3. Scrap the day and night concept. It's a good idea but it just makes you go slower and gets annoying as it moves to quickly.
4. The cursor thing in shops is a bit annoying seeing as evertyhing else is done by keyboard and you have to move the cursor over the thing you want to buy.
5. To be able to attack whilst moving would be a definate improvement.
6. Change the currency . seriously it's obviously based on Zelda but theres no need to shove it in out face with the rubees, if your going to do that we might as well be trying to save a prince called Velda.
(to all zelda fan's it was a joke and I do know the princess is zelda, I'm a big fan)
7. On this note don't include sailing in the next one. Unless your gonna make a completely new experience it's just gonna be another thing you've got from zelda and phantom hourglass was too awesome to be copied.
8.It's a bit buggy with the blacksmith apparating (HarryPotter) to his workstation rather than walking and getting stuck in walls occasionally.
9. Add a Save feature if it's going to be a longer quest it really helps.
10. Keep the animation for the sequel I like RPG which is mainly a Zelda copy.
11. Really annoying starting at your house when you die. Funnily enough I think you should be more like Zelda here by starting outside the dungeon.
12. If your going to have a potions shop have some potions in it. Whats the point of getting money from pots and monsters if there is nothing useful to buy.
Sorry for so many suggestions but it really is constructive I hope. If you want to ask anything or want any help or even voice acting if you feel like it.
Love JuneKar